Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Things are going great so far!

We have been so busy learning and having fun that I have gotten away from my little side project.  I promise to try my best to blog and add pictures each week!  The kiddos are doing a great job learning our routines and following school rules.  We have been reviewing our rules each day so ask your child what it looks like to BE SAFE, BE RESPONSIBLE AND BE RESPECTFUL in our school. 



One of the high points of each week is show-and-tell!  Show-and-tell is an important activity that allows each kid to have time in the spot light.  It also helps to build confidence when speaking in front of a group.  Check out some of the cool items that we have to share!


The kids also seem to love reading buddy time.  Each child has a third grade buddy.  We get together once each week to share stories, work on the computer and complete crafts.  It is also fun for the kindergarten students to pass their buddy in the hall.  What is cooler than having a third grade friend give you a hug or high five!?


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